
I am completely wiped out from watching so many sample film openings from our teacher’s archive. I’ve watched so many I lost count...but it’s not for naught! I feel much more inspired and motivated to work on our master plan after watching them. I quickly figured out what I personally look for in an opening scene—the drama of a plot twist. This one sample video I saw in particular did an excellent job at creating what appears to be a dramedy (genre combination of drama & comedy).

In the video, a narrator outlines the life of a successful businessman in a humorous way. At the end of the scene however, there is a freeze frame of the businessman’s face and the narrator informs the audience that he is not in fact living this lavish lifestyle at all. The final images in the scene show the narrator—the assumed main character—as a destitute homeless man who only dreams of living a better life.

The contrast and shift that occurs within this film opening is really striking and definitely sets it apart from the other projects. I would love to come up with an idea for our master plan that provokes the same effect without being too similar to this one.

Check it out for yourself!:

I also loved the creativity put into the title sequence. It is a simple idea, but stands out in terms of unique quality, and sets it apart from the other projects that I have seen. I would like to do something similar in terms of unconventionality.